Malice Hatter

As I still have yet to look back through all of my former posts to gauge what I have and have not shared of my story thus far (though, its highly doubtful anyway that anyone is reading this straight through at any point), today’s entry is spawned by the daily word prompts. I have been recently focused most on moving forward and not necessarily revisiting my ghosts of Wonderland past. I have decided to rekindle utilizing the word prompts as a catalyst in my posts. Sometimes I may already have a topic in mind and can work the words in skillfully, and sometimes, like today, the words may dictate what my writing content will be.

Looking back just to the 5 years ago when I was last writing here, I was on the precipice of the biggest turning point probably of my life. I had finally made up my mind, after a very long and arduous Dark Night of the Soul journey (that would still not reach its pinnacle for another few years) that my final step on my purging path towards healing and turning my life around was to leave my pugnacious and sociopathic addict of a husband. While he hadn’t been in trouble with the law since we had been together, his jailbird like lifestyle was sure to start catching up to him at some point. Having a child together, I was becoming increasingly anxious about subjecting our child to his wayward ways.

I was living a life of fear, and acquiesced my voice to the cage that so many of the Cluster B characters in my Wonderland loved to shove it in, such as the Mad Hatter, Queen and King of Hearts, Caterpillar and even the White Rabbit at times when my opinion differed from hers. It took inordinate amounts of courage for me to plan my escape. I kept silent for 2 years while I carefully plotted and schemed before I finally made my move, which sort of came on a “last straw” lark. But I had been ready and was basically awaiting an impetus.

Before meeting Mad Hatter, Alice was a naive innocent little girl, having experienced very little of the worlds true malice. She was drawn to the Mad Hatter because of the mental warfare her young mind had endured from too early of an age. She was preprogrammed towards the vicious cycle that led her straight in to the swirling maelstrom of Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. But while Hatter assumed Alice was out to lunch the entire time, and still the same credulous child she was when he first met her 20 years prior, she had grown wise before his blinded eyes, giving her the exact advantage she needed to Escape the Wonderland everyone else had created for her and create a World of her Own.


Author: Alice Ariadne Funk Farie

Ecclectic Eccentric, Adoptee, Mom of a child with Aspergers Autism, Complex-PTSD from childhood trauma, Daughter of parents with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Dependant Personality Disorder, Anxiety and Depression Warrior, Empath, Indigo Child, Musician, Educator, ExWife of a Sociopathic Addict, ExStepmom, Martial Artist, Artist, Philosophizer, Quote Collector, Survivor

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